Business Real Estate Line of Capital

"The Simplest Way to Access a Business Line of Capital to Fund Your Real Estate LLC"

Get a $100,000 - $500,000 (or more) Private Money

Business Real Estate Line of Capital

Our unique asset-based “Business Real Estate Line of Capital (BRELOC)” is similar to a line of credit, also known as a credit line. It is an open-ended, revolving loan that our real estate investors and business owners have access to on demand. Funds are not disbursed until the subject property has been approved and the committee gives an agree to fund. Funds or disbursed directly to the title settlement company that is doing the closing. In essences a BRELOC pre-approval is based on the qualified borrower's FICO Scores and Liquidity.


Light Documentation

Our loan process allows real estate investors to avoid the intrusive document-gathering and mountains of endless paperwork typically found with other lending institutions. We do not require income verification, tax returns, P&Ls, W2s, pay stubs or many of the other typical requests from traditional banks and mortgage companies. We have a quick and straightforward condition list that can be completed in an hour – allowing our investors to focus on their properties rather than the hassle of tracking down and providing infinite documents and files.