Preventing and Reducing Homelessness

Advocating, Sharing Awareness & Coordinating Supportive Services

Advocating to Reduce Homelessness in Our Communities

At Chambliss Mortgage Capital, our commitment extends beyond financing real estate investments properties; it includes a deep dedication to the communities we serve. We believe that everyone deserves a clean, safe and stable place to call home, and that’s why we actively advocate, bring awareness, and coordinate supportive services to prevent, reduce, and ultimately end homelessness.

Our Advocacy Efforts

Homelessness is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach, combining housing solutions with supportive services. At Chambliss Mortgage Capital, we take an active role in advocating for policies and programs that address the root causes of homelessness. We work alongside local governments, nonprofit organizations, and community leaders to push for increased common sense funding for affordable & workforce housing, improved access to mental health services, and enhanced support for vulnerable populations.

However, we believe the private sector will ultimately drive change. That’s why we empower both aspiring and experienced real estate investors and developers with the skills, training, development and capital needed to cultivate a deep passion and commitment for developing and redeveloping affordable and workforce housing.

Our advocacy efforts focus on creating systemic change that ensures long-term solutions rather than temporary fixes. By advocating, bring awareness and coordinating supportive services, we strive to create a society where homelessness is rare, brief, and nonrecurring.

Raising Awareness

Awareness is the first step toward meaningful change. We are committed to educating our clients, partners, and the broader community about the realities of homelessness and the importance of collective action. Through our communication channels—whether it be our website, social media, podcasting, workshops or community events—we share stories, statistics, and information that highlight the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness.

By shedding light on the issue, we hope to inspire others to join us in our mission. We encourage real estate investors, business owners, and community members to get involved, whether through volunteering, donating, or simply spreading the word.

Coordinating Supportive Services

Ending homelessness requires more than just providing a roof over someone’s head; it involves addressing the underlying issues that contribute to it. Chambliss Mortgage Capital plays a vital role in coordinating supportive services that help individuals and families transition out of homelessness and into permanent housing.

We collaborate with a network of service providers who offer a range of resources, including:

  • Transitional (i.e. Temporary) and Permanent (i.e. Stable) Housing Solutions: We work with local shelters, non-profits, affordable housing developers, and property owners to ensure that clean, safe and affordable housing options are available to those in need.

  • Employment, Job Training and Education Programs: To help individuals regain self-sufficiency, we connect them with job training programs, educational opportunities, and employment services.

  • Mental Health and Addiction Services: Many individuals experiencing homelessness struggle with mental health issues or substance abuse. We partner with healthcare providers to offer counseling, treatment, and ongoing support.

  • Financial Literacy and Stability Programs: Financial insecurity is a major factor contributing to homelessness. We offer resources and workshops on budgeting, credit repair, and financial planning to help individuals achieve long-term stability.

Making a Difference Together

At Chambliss Mortgage Capital, we believe that reducing homelessness is not just a goal but a moral imperative. Through our advocacy, awareness efforts, and coordination of supportive services, we are making a tangible impact in the communities where we work. However, we know that this is a challenge that requires the collective effort of everyone.

We invite you to join us in this mission. Whether you’re a real estate investor, a community leader, or simply someone who cares, there are many ways to get involved. Together, we can create a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in a safe and supportive environment.

For more information on how you can help or to learn more about our initiatives, please contact us today. Let’s make homelessness a thing of the past, one community at a time.

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